Sunday, November 13, 2011

PechaKuchaNight Semarang #6

Updates presenters for Pecha Kucha Night Semarang Vol #6 with the theme
0f automotive, which will be held on Saturday, November 12, 2011, 19:00
– 23:30,
@Le blanc Coffee Shop ( follow @leblanc_coffee) , Adipatiunus 16,
Tembalang, Semarang :
1. Body Painting Community
2. VW Community
3. RETRO Car
4. Airbrush Artist
5. Honda Antique Club
6. Blazer Indonesia Club
7. Mbah e Cutting Sticker
8. X-Rules Semarang
9. Hot Wheels Semarang
10. Free Styler Semarang
11. PaperCraft
12. Karikatur Semarang
13. Secret Speed Team Semarang

Free of Charge..!!